Saline Removal
Saline Tattoo Removal is the best and the safest method for removal of poor quality permanent makeup on eyebrows and microblading on brows without using lasers.
With similar fashion and equipment commonly used in tattooing, a saline solution from Botched Ink is applied to the tattooed skin. Botched Ink uses Dead Sea Salt, chosen for its high mineral content which benefit the skin. It is specially made to remove and lighten conventional and cosmetic tattoos, and ingredients are selected to quickly dries out.
The process creates a hypertonic reaction, which allows your skin cells to release the pigments from your tattoo to the outer layer of your skin.
The procedure aims to form a superficial and thin scab into which the pigments are pulled. When the scab heals and falls off, the pigment lightens and eventually disappears!

If you received a fresh tattoo and are unhappy with or are disappointed in it, please contact us immediately.
We can work on it up to 72 hours after getting it done or before scab is formed, whichever comes first.
If you miss this window of time, you will have to wait a minimum of 4 weeks following the procedure to come in for removal.
Please do not attempt to try to remove it on your own by rubbing it or with other home remedies.

Lightening and/or removing unwanted pigment is a process and patience is required. Often times it takes more then one session.
Clients can expect to see visible and wanted results in 4 to 6 sessions, but can be more or less.
How many sessions needed will depend on how saturated the pigment is, how deep it was implanted, what kind of ink and color was used and how much colour needs to be removed for the desired result.
In many cases only a percentage of the pigment needs to be lifted out in order to continue the correction process by colour correcting the brows with machine shading. This is typically done 4 months after the last Botched Ink Removal session.
Important to note that we are creating injuries to the skin. You will feel soreness for a couple of hours. That is normal. It may also look darker before you see it lighter as we are pulling the ink to the surface.